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Year 9 Hike for Duke of Edinburgh!

Jun 22, 2012

Year 9 Hike for Duke of Edinburgh!

20 of our Year 9 students are having a taste of adventure this weekend as they are enjoying a 15 mile hike in a practice session for their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

The hike, through the Ashworth Valley near Rochdale, is divided into 9 miles on Saturday and 6 miles on Sunday, and students will be carrying all of the equipment they need.

A successful trip will mean that the real assessment on the 13th and 14th July should go very smoothly. We wish them lots of luck!

Update from our roving reporter in the field...

After a strenuous 9 mile trek all of the girls arrived safely back to the campsite.  As you can see from the colour of the sock it was a bit wet and muddy out there!

After a brief tour of the camp so they could find the shower block and the toilets, they had to begin the task of putting up their tents.  All of the tents, rucksacks, sleeping bags and cookers were bought by St. Julie's but the girls have to carry all of the equipment they need on their hike. 

Putting up the lightweight tents was a bit of a puzzler for them but eventually the camp began to take shape. 

As you can see the twins sorted their tent out and look as snug as a bug! 

The next task was to get out the compact lightweight trangia cookers and start to cook their evening meal. 

Then it will be a shower and into bed to get some rest before tomorrow. They have another 7 miles to go as well as to pack up all those tents again!  Good luck and hope the weather is good to you tomorrow!