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Liverpool U12s Complete The Set At ESFA Finals!

May 14, 2024

Liverpool U12s Complete The Set At ESFA Finals!

Congratulations to the Under 12 Liverpool side who are ESFA national champions alongside the U13 and U14 teams!

We're enormously proud to have so many players from St Julie's represented in the City's teams, and Jessie, Maisie, Scarlett and Luella faced one of the toughest challenges in the U12 group. They lined up against a strong team from Brighton who had reached the final without dropping a goal all season and were favourites for the win.

Outstanding team work and a robust defence were the order of the day for a Liverpool side that rose to the occasion magnificently. Carrying an astonishing record of clean sheets, the team from Brighton saw their net bulge three times for an outstanding Liverpool win.

The bigger picture at the tournament is even more impressive. Across the genders and age groups, teams from Liverpool contested six finals and won all of them, drawing praise from local MP Ian Byrne.

Congratulations to our under 12 players and all of their team mates, with a special nod to Jessie for her leadership of the side in her third year of Captaincy. You can watch the match in on full on the ESFA Channel on Youtube.