
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

St Julie’s Celebrates Awards Evening

Mar 27, 2024

St Julie’s Celebrates Awards Evening

We welcomed staff, parents and Governors to join together for an evening of celebration, recognising and rewarding the very best of our student community.  

The evening brought inspiring words, entertainment and of course lots of applause!

After a welcome from our Chair of Governors, Mrs Smith, our guests saw a performance of ‘The Women’ prepared and performed by our Key Stage 4 and 5 dancers. The powerful piece featured dramatic recitation and spoke of the struggles and challenges that women have faced in the past and continue to face today.

Following the dance we saw the awarding of our subject excellence awards and our 'named' awards, which this year featured the inaugural presentation of the 'Tim Alderman' prize, recognising inspiring students leadership, which was awarded to Sophie in Year 13.

Our audience then heard “You Will Be Found” sung beautifully by our choir, and accompanied by Haley in Year 11 on piano.

We then saw the presentation of our mission statement awards and Spirit of Francoise awards, presented to a single student in each year group who has impressed in faithfully living out all the strands of our school mission statement.

The presentation of the final awards of the evening was preceded by an address from Mrs McCourt, who reflected on her personal values and inspirations. 

The final awards were the flagship 'Notre Dame Awards, inspired by the words of our patron saint. The highest accolade of the evening is the Spirit of Saint Julie award, going to the student in thought, word and action has done most to live out the charism of Saint Julie. This year saw two awards, neatly bookending the age ranges of our school community. Congratulations to Layel in Year 7 and Charlotte in Year 13 whose outstanding actions inspired us to make two awards this year.

Congratulations to all of our wonderful award winners, and thank you to all of the guests who came to support our students.