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English Stars of the Week

Mar 8, 2024

English Stars of the Week

Congratulations to our stars of the week in English this week!

In Year 7:

Stevie - For writing an excellent poem called 'The Swing'
Janet - For pushing herself every lesson.
Alexandra - For great contribution to English lessons
Annie - For always giving excellent contributions in our Jane Eyre discussions.
Ciara - great verbal and written engagement surrounding Jane Eyre.

In Year 8:

Grace - for great presentation and excellent work produced in English.
Ava - for being focused & trying her best.

In Year 9:

Bobbie J - for heart felt responses.
Imogen - for writing an engaging article.

In Year 10:

Aneesa - for dedication to learning in English Language.
Charlotte - for fantastic Blood Brothers essay
Meg - for engagement with Blood Brothers

In Year 11:

Lucie - for engagement with Macbeth
Scarlett - for engaging with non-fiction writing
Eva - for dedication to learning in literature.
Ola - for consistent improvement in English

And in Sixth Form:

Bethany - excellent response to assessment
Layla - taking on roles in ‘A Doll’s House’
Charlotte - engagement with NEA
Sophie - effort in Mock Lit exam