News From Our School

Sports Day 2023!

Jul 13, 2023

Sports Day 2023!

The school community engaged in some healthy competition this week as we followed in the illustrious footsteps of alumnus Katarina Johnson-Thompson to the Wavertree Athletics Centre for School Sports Day! 

The day saw students of all taletns and abilities competing in track and field events both traditional and rather more unorthodox!

The event opened with Mrs McCourt's address pivoting into a fun packed high energy dance routine led by our Year 7 and 8 students, with a late stage invasion by our Performing Arts staff who joined in to show off their moves!

The first dance was followed by a fantastic solo vocal performance by Layla of Dua Lipa's 'Physical' which triggered a sing along in the crowd.

Our final performance showcased a dazzling routine from our Year 9 dancers, taking us into the flag parade that marks the commencement of the field events.

Students from all years competed in track racing, obstacle course, hula hopping, welly throwing, javelin, shot put, long jump, high jump, ball and spoon race and of course, the notorious tug of war!

Throughout the day our Year 12 students were magnificent leaders aiding with scoring and marshalling and sharing their creative skills with fabulous face painting.

The last events to take place were the staff versus sixth form tug of war and relay race. The tug of war was tense, but despite the somewhat mismatched numbers in the respective sides the staff team prevailed. The dramatic relay race saw some raucous cheering but once again the staff team took the honours with Mr Mottram bringing the baton across the line in a powerful final leg.

It only remained for the points to be tallied and the winning form to be revealed. The spirit of competition was strong and the results agonisingly close, but our congratulations this year go to Rigby for the overall win.

Thank you to all of our students for engaging so fully with the spirit of the day, and to all of the staff who worked hard both in preparation and delivery of the day. Our thanks also to the grounds team at Wavertree Athletics Centre who are looking forward to seeing us again.