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Tomorrow's Teachers Pass With Flying Colours!

Jan 7, 2022

Tomorrow's Teachers Pass With Flying Colours!

We are pleased and proud to announce that our aspiring teachers in Year 13 have completed the 'Tomorrow's Teachers' scheme by TES.

This is a national programme which aims to identify and develop students who aspire to enter the teaching profession. The programme - delivered as part of the extra curricular programme of activities - allows prospective teachers to gain the relevant knowledge, skills and experience to apply for and choose a career in education.

The course consists of 12 modules, with a variety of teaching staff across the school stepping up to deliver a session each week. Each session focuses on a different aspect of the profession, and allows students to think about and experience teaching from an alternative perspective. Not only will this enhance students' university applications and give them the edge when invited for interview; it also gives them the opportunity to reflect on their own educational experiences and make informed choices about their careers.

To watch a short clip of one of our prospective teachers talking about her experience, click here.