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Degree Apprenticeships Presentation

Oct 20, 2021

Degree Apprenticeships Presentation

This morning Sixth Form students enjoyed a presentation by Manchester Met University to signpost them to Post 18 progression paths.  Degree apprenticeships are a new type of programme offered by some universities.

Students can achieve a full bachelor's or master's degree as part of their apprenticeship. These programmes are being developed by employers, universities, and professional bodies working in partnership and combine working with studying part-time at a university. Apprentices are employed throughout the programme, and spend part of their time at university and the rest with their employer. This can be on a day-to-day basis or in blocks of time, depending on the programme and requirements of the employer.

Students learned that they can take between three to six years to complete, depending on the course level. Following the presentation students took part in a Q&A session which was informative, detailed and has certainly given them food for thought!

Our thanks to Chris from Manchester Met for an engaging start to the day!