
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Congratulations to Year 11 Prefects

Sep 23, 2021

Congratulations to Year 11 Prefects

Our Year 11 Prefects can walk with pride as they have been inaugurated in their new roles.

The commencement ceremony took place in the Chapel, with a welcome address from Mrs Austin. Mr Willis then took to the stage with inspiring words abuot what it means to be a member of our community and the values we seek to espouse.

Miss Gawley and Mrs McCourt then distributed the badges and certificates of office before a reflection and reading of the prefects' prayer led by our Chaplain.

The ceremony concluded with an address from Mr Alderman who spoke about the challenges facing our prefects and how they can seek inspiration from St. Julie.

We wish our new prefects every success in their new role.