
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

Building Improvements During Summer

Sep 10, 2021

Building Improvements During Summer

During the Summer break contractors were hard at work implementing some planned improvements to facilities for students. 

Underlining our commitment to positive mental health and wellbeing we have introduced a new suite of offices positioned centrally in the school for our pupil progress leaders and visiting practitioners from external support services.

 This remodelling allowed us to implement the construction of a brand new seminar room for our Sixth Form students, allowing teaching of scheduled classes and smaller group breakout sessions in the heart of the Sixth Form area.

Elsewhere in the building remodelling has taken place to support our new resistant materials area in the Technology department, which is rapidly approaching completion.