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Progress Pride Flag Flies for Pride Month

Jun 9, 2021

Progress Pride Flag Flies for Pride Month

One of the strands of our Mission Statement commits us to being “a Catholic learning community which respects and embraces the diversity of all God’s people.”   

In Pride Month, as an expression of this commitment, we have raised the Progress Pride flag in the Peace Garden.  

Slightly different from the Rainbow Pride flag which first came to prominence in the 1960’s, the Progress Pride flag has an additional five-coloured chevron to place a greater emphasis on inclusion and progression.    This chevron includes black and brown stripes to represent marginalized LGBT+ communities of colour, along with the colours pink, light blue and white, which are used on the Transgender Pride Flag. 

As the flag was raised, the following prayer was said: 

Creator God, 

We give thank for the amazing diversity of creation. 

Help us to remember that we are all created in your image 

and are worthy of dignity and respect, however we identify. 

We ask this in your Holy Name.  AMEN