
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Triple Choc for Double Celebration!

May 14, 2021

Triple Choc for Double Celebration!

We had a twin celebration in school this week because Thursday, 13th May was the Feast of St. Julie.  This was the date in 1906 when Julie Billiart was beatified becoming known as ‘Blessed Julie’ – one of the steps along the road to being recognised as a saint. Blessed Julie eventually became Saint Julie on 22nd June, 1969! In the photo we've shown a medal that was given to one of our students a few years ago by a local priest. The inscription reads "Beata Julia - Ora Pro Nobis' which translates to 'Blessed Julie, pray for us' and tells us that the medal is from earlier than 1969.

This year, the Feast of St. Julie coincided with the start of Eid-al-Fitr, the great Muslim festival following the holy month of Ramadan.   

So, in double celebration, it was free triple chocolate muffins for all! 

Thanks to Mr Alderman, Mr Walsh and the catering staff for organising this splendid and very well-received observance.