
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

Return to School Arrangements

Dec 31, 2020

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am sure you will be as concerned and confused as school staff are regarding the recent changes to the start of term arrangements. We do not get any advance notice of these changes and found out as you did, listening to the BBC live broadcasts on Wednesday 30 December at 4pm. Over the next few days we have to organise training for staff on the delivery of mass testing, something which was previously done by the army.

I hope to update all parents during next week but in the meantime these are the headlines.

All students will return to normal school curriculum and timetables on Monday 18 January. Until then, they will receive their education remotely using the VLE.

Yr11 and Yr13 students only will return on Monday 11 January. Until then, they will receive their education remotely using the VLE.

On Monday 4 January, only those students who have been contacted directly by school will be in school, for daily activities outside of the normal curriculum. Space in each year group will have to be limited to a small number of students that school identify as needing some additional support at this time, as well as a small number of students whose whole household (those over 18) are critical workers. If we were to take all children of critical workers then we would essentially have a large proportion of each year group in school. Therefore staff would need to be supervising all those students and would not be able to prepare, receive training and provide remote learning to all other students who will be learning from home.

As stated, only send your daughter to school if you have received notification to do so, which will include details of the timings of the day and the types of activities which will be provided.

Any student arriving at school without invitation will be sent home, as the responsibility for all children remains with parents and carers. We will not be able to look after and provide for your daughter without invitation. Indeed, your daughter would receive her full curriculum by learning at home using the VLE and as such would be learning in line with her peers.

I know this is a frustrating time for everyone, school staff included, but we can only do what we are able to do, in line the government guidance.

As stated, I will update all families as and when we receive further information, hopefully early in the week.

Best wishes


Mr Alderman