Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Year 7 Parents’ Evening
Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we are unable to host Year 7 Parents’ Evening as planned on Thursday 10 December 2020. Your daughter will receive her termly academic report week beginning Monday 30 November. This is in addition to the GL Assessment reports sent home two weeks ago for English, Mathematics and Science. Your daughter’s termly report will provide key pieces of information relating to her current academic progress, achievements, behaviour and attendance.
In addition to the termly report, please find a copy of the Knowledge Assessment Framework. This booklet explains in detail how your daughter’s knowledge, skills and understanding has been assessed during this term, in line with the Key Stage 3 National Curriculum.
Video call or telephone consultation
We will be replacing Year 7 Parents’ Evening with a video call or telephone consultation booking system. This can be accessed via GroupCall and we will send further information over the next two weeks on how to access this facility and make bookings with your daughter’s subject teacher and/or pastoral team.
Video calls and telephone consultations will commence from Monday 7 December to Thursday 17 December. Please do not hesitate to contact school if you require any further information. Thank you for your cooperation and support.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs K McCourt
Deputy Headteacher