
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Mass Covid-19 Testing

Nov 6, 2020

Dear Parents & Carers,



I attended the fortnightly meeting of the Liverpool Association of Secondary Headteachers on Thursday 5 November 2020. In that meeting we were updated on how central government has identified Liverpool to pilot a new Covid-19 testing system. This is being called the ‘Lateral Flow System’. Sites across the city are due to be positioned in order to carry out testing. Results from the test will be available approximately 30 minutes after the test is conducted. We are currently working with Public Health to identify how this pilot might benefit school communities.

As soon as we have further information, we will share it. We can expect immediate disruption to the functioning of schools once testing starts as results from these tests will have operational implications. Individual schools may be affected differently and subsequently they will need to respond on an individual basis, depending on the numbers of staff and students required to self-isolate.

Your understanding and support at this very difficult time is much appreciated, as we implement the actions required of us. Please keep checking the website, electronic newsletter, emails and Group Call text messages from school for further updates and information.

Best wishes,


Tim Alderman

Head teacher