
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

Year 9 Parents Evening

Oct 16, 2020

Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions and Liverpool’s current status at Tier 3, we are unable to host Year 9 Parents’ Evening as planned on Thursday 19 November. Your daughter will receive her termly report week commencing Monday 9 November. This will provide key pieces of information relating to her current academic progress, achievements, behaviour and attendance.

If you would like to request a telephone consultation with your daughter’s subject teacher, curriculum leader, Miss Corrigan, Mrs Rooney and/or Mrs McCourt, please access the Year 9 Parents’ Evening feedback form on the school website Please state who you would like to speak to and the reason for the call. A member of staff will then contact you and provide any further updates you may require on your daughter’s academic progress and/or pastoral support.

Telephone consultations will commence from Monday 16 November to Friday 27 November. Thank you for your cooperation and support.