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GCSE Results Day Arrangements

Aug 13, 2020

GCSE Results Day Arrangements

As we are approaching the day on which results will be released to Year 11 students, we wanted to inform you of the information regarding the arrangements for the distribution of results, and the support that will be available to support students with their post-16 plans.

GCSE Results Day will take place on Thursday 20th August 2020 (10:00am – 12:30pm) Students will receive a print out of their final calculated grades as awarded by the exam board. As outlined in Mrs McCourt’s recent letter, due to the exceptional circumstances regarding summer exams in 2020, students must attend unaccompanied and parents will not be allowed on site. Parents can wait outside school, but should avoid congregating in order to adhere to social distancing measures as per government guidance.  

Arrangements for Results Day

Unfortunately we cannot have large groups of people mixing on site; therefore students will only be allowed in school for a maximum of thirty minutes. In order to adhere to the most up to date public health and LA advice, we will be staggering the collection of results to limit the amount of students on site at any one time. Your daughter should only attend at her allocated time. This will not disadvantage any student, as places are not allocated on a first come first served basis. All applications are reviewed individually to determine that students have met the Governors’ Entry requirements for their chosen A Level subjects. Please note:

  • School will be open from 10am but students should only attend at their allocated time – details below
  • On arrival, students will need to enter school via main reception; one student at a time and they should then make their way to the Dining Room to collect their results
  • If your daughter has met the Governors’ Entry requirements, she will be directed from the Dining Room to the Sports Hall to meet with a member of staff where she will complete the application process
  • If your daughter has not met Governors’ Entry requirements, Mrs Mannings will be available in the LRC to discuss next steps
  • Students must complete and hand in a ‘Destinations’ form before leaving
  • Students will need to exit via the Sports Hall doors onto the Year 7 yard in order to maintain a one-way system.
  • Parents are reminded that they are not to enter school site or gather by the entrance
  • School will be closing at 12.30pm
  • All coursing is subject to students meeting the Governors’ Entry Requirements for Sixth Form.

A copy of the Governor’s Entry requirements can be found here.

Designated times for Collection of Results

11 N   10am – 10.25am                                                                                  

11 T    10.25-10.45am

11R     10.45-11.05am                                                                                    

11D     11.05am – 11.25am

11A     11.25am – 11.45am                                                                           

11M    11.45-12.05pm

External applicants 12 – 12.30pm

Autumn Exam Series

An important feature of the overall arrangements this summer is the planned additional exam series in the autumn, which will provide an opportunity for students unable to receive a calculated grade, and others who would like the opportunity to improve their grade, to take an exam.

If your son/daughter wishes to sit an exam during the Autumn series, they will need to complete an Autumn Exam pro-forma and submit to Miss Brady (Exams Officer)  by the following deadlines:

GCSE qualifications (except English and Maths) – 18 September 2020

GCSE English and Mathematics – 4 October 2020

GCSE Autumn examinations will start from 2 November to 23 November.

Autumn Exam pro-formas will be available on Results Day and must be returned to the Exams Officer by the deadlines stated above. The deadline for any appeals will be 19 September 2020.

Bridging Work

All Year 11 to 12 summer bridging work can be accessed via the VLE, MathsWatch; Educake and there will be paper copies available for students to collect once they have confirmed subject choices and have been enrolled by a member of staff. If your daughter is accepted onto an A Level course (or equivalent), an assigned teacher will mark the Bridging Work and provide feedback. The deadline for your daughter to complete and return this work will be Friday 4 September.

Information relating to Estimated Centre Assessment grades; Standardisation and Final Calculated Grades; appealing results; subject access requests and procedures can be found here.

If students wish to access their Centre Assessed Grades, they can only do this from Friday 21st August. Requests must be addressed directly to Mr Brooks

We understand that the last few months may have caused a lot of uncertainty about your daughter’s future. Please rest assured that we want GCSE Results Day to run as smoothly, safely and efficiently as possible.