
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Free University Webinar

Mar 31, 2020

Free University Webinar

Sixth Form students may be interested in a forthcoming free webinar from UK University Search taking place on the 8th April.

The following topics will be explored, and the session will finish with a Q&A session:
  • The Benefits of University - Bournemouth University (Rebecca Oliver)
  • Choosing a Course - University of Stirling (Ali Clark)
  • Virtual Events - University of Leicester (Elliot Newstead)
  • Personal Statements - University of South Wales (Rebecca Bowen)
  • Student Finance - City, University of London (Andy Cotterill)
  • Intro to the Russell Group - University of Liverpool (Jonathan Atkinson)
Jonathan from the University of Liverpool will also discuss how universities are responding to COVID-19.
Places are limited, so click here to book your free place.