
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Why Not Give Yourself Some Sacred Time?

Mar 28, 2020

Why Not Give Yourself Some Sacred Time?

Now that we're all learning and working from home, the  Chaplaincy website is a great way to stay in touch with what we're about as a reflective, compassionate Notre Dame learning community.

Every weekday, our chaplain - Mr Anderson - is posting a short video reflection and, as we approach Easter, there is a daily video countdown to Good Friday.

At the weekend, the usual Sunday Gospel video will be posted along with some thoughts as to what it might be about!  We'll also remind ourselves of the various strands of our school Mission Statement as well as posting some Words of St. Julie from which we can take some much!

So, do factor in a few minutes each day to touch base and allow yourself some Sacred Time!   

Here's a little taster: 

You can catch all of this and more at