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St. Julie's Votes!

Dec 13, 2019

St. Julie's Votes!

Our A Level Politics students this week were involved in raising engagement and understanding of our political systems in the UK by helping to run a mock 'General Election' across the whole school. 

The Politics students were allocated to be representatives of the 4 main parties that had received votes in the constituency of the school in the 2017 election, and they had to research and present the different party manifestos to the rest of the school via video and PowerPoint presentations.  Pupils were then given the opportunity to vote as part of their PSHE lesson on Wednesday, so that the school result could be announced on the real election day.  

There were some interesting trends voting behaviour when we analysed them by age group, but there was no doubting the overall majority belonging to Labour across all pupil groups. 

This has then been seen to reflect the voting patterns of Liverpool constituencies overnight.  This whole process has allowed our pupils to better understand how they fit into the political landscape for their future voting power when they reach 18, and although the school election didn't support the national outcome, pupils are more engaged and politically aware than ever before.