
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Pilgrim's Progress

Jul 19, 2019

Pilgrim's Progress

On 20th June at 4:30 a.m., 36 students and 4 staff gathered outside a very quiet St. Julie’s to board a coach for the pilgrimage of a lifetime!

We were headed for Rome, the Eternal City, and what a trip they had!  The Colosseum, the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, the Sistine Chapel, Santa Maria Maggiore, St. Peter’s, pizza, pasta, gelato, smiles, miles, laughter and so much more!

There were though two highlights of the trip which coincided with the 50th anniversary of the canonisation of Julie Billiart – St. Julie, our St. Julie!

The first was when we met up with 4 other Notre Dame schools from around the UK (Glasgow, Liverpool, Sheffield and Southwark in London) who had accepted our invitation to join us on the 22nd June, the date of the canonisation.  We had a wonderful service marking this special day and the sun shone all day long.  It was if the ‘smiling Saint’ was looking down on us radiating warmth and joy!

The following day, after climbing the 551 steps to the top of the Dome at St. Peter’s, we attended The Angelus prayer service led by the Holy Father, Pope Francis.  As the service came to a close, the Pope greeted pilgrims from around the world and there was a huge cheer as he greeted us, the pilgrims from Liverpool. It was a moment and a trip never to be forgotten!