
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Peace Garden - Quest for Peace

May 13, 2019

Peace Garden - Quest for Peace

On a beautifully sunny day, the Peace Garden at St. Julie's hosted a new activity - The Quest for Peace.  Mr Bennett's wonderful Year 8 R.E. class ventured outside and participated in a "treasure hunt" style learning activity where they explored the 16 stations in our Peace Garden.   These stations can be found by each of the olive trees which have for so long been symbols of peace. (Incidentally, the oldest of these olive trees is over 300 years old so was on the planet even before St. Julie was born in 1751!)

The session started with the sounding of The Peace Bell after which the learners explored the Peace Garden stations in groups, finding information about the inspirational people who are beacons to follow in the quest for peace in our world.

The stations were devised by members of our 1804 Society (the senior students in the school) and they look at a range of issues including compassion, ethical enterprise, literature and political action.

The Peace Bell pealed once more to call participants to re-gather and some of the answers were shared. The session closed with a prayer for our Y11 students as they started their GCSE exams.   

We look forward to holding more events in our Peace Garden.