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Artsmark Challenge Day 5: On The Shoulders Of Giants

Oct 11, 2018

Artsmark Challenge Day 5: On The Shoulders Of Giants

At the turn of the millennium Liverpool could only dream of the cultural journey it was about to embark on… and what a journey it has been! 10 years on since being European Capital of Culture, Liverpool has shown how culture has continued to develop and grow, and it couldn’t have grown any bigger than last weekend’s spectacular featuring the Royal De Luxe giant puppets that drew visitors from across the country.

The Giant story that captured the city, focused on dreams and aspirations and what messages people will pass on to the next generation, your dreamcatchers.

Our performing art students have been collaborating to create performances based on their own ambitions.

The students will showcase their inspiring performance today at Liverpool’s city culture event in front of some of the city’s most influential figures in arts and education.

You can get a sneak preview right now!