
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

A Warm Reception on Open Night!

Sep 20, 2018

A Warm Reception on Open Night!

We offered a warm reception to the hundreds of people who braved the inclement weather to join us on our Year 6 Open Evening!

Despite the rain we enjoyed a packed house as parents and students came to find out more about what it means to be part of the St. Julie's School Community, with standing room only for the Headteacher's presentation.

All departments staged fun activities and were available to engage with our visitors. Guests got frizzy hair and held flames in the science department, crafted pizza and explored manufacturing in technology, stretched their vocal chords in music and their mental arithmetic in the maths department. Some visitors even got their dimensions measured to see how the ratio of their height to span could influence their proclivity for kleptomania!

We'd like to thank everybody who made the journey to come to see us, and we hope to welcome many of our visitors back next September as St. Julie's students!