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Success for St. Julie's in Writing Competition

Jun 15, 2018

Success for St. Julie's in Writing Competition

Congratulations to four of our amazing students, who have been celebrated for excellent diary entries in the city-wide competition 'In My Life'. Students across Years 7 to 9 explored diary writing in lots of different forms - through looking at famous historical entries such as Anne Frank's Diary, to writing their own diaries! The project's title 'In My Life' reflects the famous Beatles song, and a strong emphasis of the writing was on our lives here in Liverpool. The competition was open to both Primary and Secondary schools across the city.

We are delighted that the Overall Secondary winner was from St. Julie's - well done to Emily in Year 8! The judging panel said her entry, 'Awake', was a "gripping piece of writing which was incredibly frightening but compelled us to read on!  The characterisation was superb and the 'it' character was chilling but we couldn't stop reading to see what it did next."

Chloe in Year 7 received a Runner Up prize for her entry: "Her writing was honest and real and gave a deep, personal insight into how children experience divorce."

We would also like to congratulate Rafaa in Year 8 and Leah in Year 9 for their Highly Commended certificates. "Rafaa's entry was a unique piece of poetry which moved us incredible and we found Leah's artwork to be a striking and unforgettable piece of graphic design with a brave message."

We are incredibly proud of everyone who entered and produced such amazing work, and special mention goes to the four winners! Congratulations! Watch this space for news of the official awards ceremony taking place in the Museum of Liverpool later this month.