
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

A Rewarding Evening at Prize Night!

Apr 20, 2018

A Rewarding Evening at Prize Night!

Thank you to all of the parents, carers and family members who joined us for an evening of celebration at our awards event this week.

The evening was a wonderful opportunity to openly acknowledge and celebrate the many achievements of our generous, supportive, talented, kind spirited and ambitious students.

The event allowed us to reunite with some familiar faces, as we were joined by many of our former students who were able to take time from their university studies to return to visit our brand new building!

All of the awards presented by Mr Alderman and Sister Margaret were hard earned and well deserved, but our loudest cheers go to the two winners of our prestigious 'Spirit of St. Julie' award: Natasha Highton and Speranza Rufolo, both in Year 11.

We were entertained during the evening with performances of both song and dance from our Performing Arts students, and we thank them for their hard work in preparation.