
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

Older notices are available in the parent section.

Welcome To Our Newest Students!

Mar 16, 2018

Welcome To Our Newest Students!

We had an exciting time this week when we got to meet our new Year 7 for September for the first time!

It is always a highlight of our school year to welcome our newest students together as a year group for the first time, giving them a chance to meet us and each other!

We took all of our new students up to the Chapel to learn some new songs with Mr Anderson, whilst parents went to the theatre to hear some important information that they need to know from Sr. Margaret and Mrs McCourt.

We ended the evening with a rousing performance of 'Qu'il Est Bon!' in the Chapel that was broadcast into the theatre on the big screen for parents to enjoy.

Thank you to all the parents and students who came along to make our evening special, and welcome to our school community!