
Welcome to St. Julie's Catholic High School

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Year 7 Awards Ceremony

Feb 8, 2018

Year 7 Awards Ceremony

Year 7 have celebrated reaching the halfway point of their first year here at St Julie's. Adjusting to a new school with lots more people, a much bigger building and lots more subjects than primary school can be tough at times but our current year 7 pupils have found it a breeze!

To celebrate Mrs Maguire, Progress Leader for year 7 organised an Awards Ceremony in our school chapel. Awards were given out to pupils who had really understood what it meant to be a St Julie's pupil, linking to our school mission statement, such as most caring pupils, and most welcoming pupils. 

Overall 48 certificates were given out and the overall prize winning pupil also received a voucher to spend too. The awards ceremony was an amazing way to let year 7 know just how proud we are of them and their excellent start to their time here at St Julie's.

Well done Year 7!