Lates to School

If a student arrives late to school, they enter school by the entrance adjacent to the school office and they must sign into school using the Inventry system so that we know that they have arrived.

An L code will be entered onto the school register for arrivals up to 9.30am.

For arrivals after 9.30am when registers have closed for the day, a U code will be marked on the student’s register. This is a legal requirement and is an Unauthorised absence for the morning. When this happens a full morning’s attendance is removed from the student’s attendance record.

If the student arrives late due to a medical appointment, the school can be notified about this so that a Medical code can be entered manually onto the student record instead of a U code or an L code. It is beneficial for school to receive a copy of any appointment slips or reminders so that records can be correctly updated. School can accept a photo or screenshot of these appointments and/or reminders.

In the event that school has requested medical evidence for a particular period of absence, this can be sent as a photo and can include a photo of prescribed medication(s). These can be sent directly to your daughter’s Progress Leader (contact details on school website) or directly to the Admin Team using the email address

Parents or Carers of students with a pattern of lateness to school without medical reason may be invited to school to meet with their daughter’s Progress Leader. Thank you for your co-operation with this.