
16-19 Tuition Fund Statement

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St Julie’s Catholic High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

16-19 Tuition Fund Statement

The Education and Skills Funding Agency 16 to 19 tuition fund has been allocated to colleges in 2021/22 in addition to the main college funding. The funding is being provided to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English and Maths where learning has been disrupted as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The tuition fund will be used to support small groups of young people aged 16-19 who have yet to achieve a grade 4 in English and/ or mathematics. Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) – our Pupil Premium and Bursary cohort will also be supported by this provision.

St Julie’s Catholic Sixth Form has directed this funding where it will have the most impact. Using student starting points and with clear evidence of assessment of need, we are committed to:

St Julie’s Catholic Sixth Form has timetabled GCSE exam revision  and re-sit preparation sessions in addition to the planned programme of study hours already timetabled for the academic year 2021/22. Sessions will comprise of no more than three students and will be delivered by an external agency with the relevant skills and experience.

Sessions will be delivered using online delivery and  will all be subject to the Sixth Form’s quality assurance and safeguarding protocols.