An introduction to the health and social care sector through applied learning. This supports progression to higher education. This course includes elements of both vocational and general qualifications. The content includes the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes required in the Health and Social care sector. BTEC Nationals required applied learning that brings together knowledge and understanding (the cognitive domain) with practical and technical skills (the psychomotor domain). This is achieved through learners performing vocational tasks that encourage the development of appropriate vocational behaviours (the affective domain) and transferable skills. Transferable skills are those such as communication, teamwork, research and analysis, which are valued in both higher education and the workplace. This approach provides rigour and balance and promotes the ability to apply learning immediately in new contexts.
Y12 H&SC |
UNIT 5 Controlled assessment
Unit 5 Meeting individual care and support needs
Learning Aim, A Examine principles, values and skills which underpin meeting the care and support needs of an individual
Learning Aim B & C
Examine the ethical issues involved when providing care and support to meet individual needs
Investigate the principles behind enabling individuals with care and support needs to overcome challenge
Learning Aim D Investigate the roles of professionals and how they work together to provide care and support necessary to meet individual needs
Pupils will develop the knowledge to provide care and support the needs of an individual in a health and social care environment, they will develop an understanding of the principles and practicalities of the foundation of all care disciplines. The unit will introduce the pupils to the values and skills that will be needed in a career in and health and social care setting, including ethical issues and challenges.
Learning Aim, A: Pupils will explain the importance of promoting equality and diversity for individual with different needs, they will analyse the impact of preventing discrimination for individual with different needs and evaluate the success of promoting anti discriminatory practice Pupils will explain the skills and person attributes necessary for professional caring, they will assess different methods professionals might use when building up relationships with service users and establishing trust
Learning Aim B & C: Pupils will explain how to incorporate ethical principles into the provision of support for individuals with different needs, they will analyse how an ethical approach providing support would benefit the needs of the individual. pupils will justify the strategies and techniques used to overcome ethical issues and challenges Pupils will explain and assess the strategies and communication techniques used and how to use these to overcome challenges. Pupils will explain the benefits of promoting personalisation when overcoming challenges faced by individuals with different needs
Learning Aim D: Pupils will explain why meeting the needs of the individuals requires different agencies, they will assess the benefits of a multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working for specific individuals. They will justify how organisations and professional work together to meet individual needs, whilst managing information and confidentiality. Pupils will explain the roles and responsibilities of the different team members. pupils will analyse the impact of legislation and codes of practice.
Y13 H&SC |
Unit 2 Exam
Unit 14 Controlled Assessment
Unit 2 Demonstrate knowledge of service user’s needs, roles and responsibilities or workers and working practices within the health and social care sector
AO1: Command words: identify
A02: Command words: describe
A03: Analyse and evaluate information related to the roles and responsibilities of health care workers and organisations and how workers are monitored and regulated Command word: Explain
A04: Make connections between role and responsibilities of health and social care workers and organisation are monitored and regulated and how multi-disciplinary teams work together to meet service user needs
Command word: Discuss
Unit 14 Controlled Assessment
Investigate the cause and effect of physiological disorders
Exam the investigation and diagnose of physiological disorders
Examine treatment and support available for service users with physiological disorders
Develop a treatment plan for service users with physiological disorders to meet their needs
Learning Aim, A Pupils will learn about the roles and responsibility of health and social care practitioners and the organisation they work for. GP’s, Nurses, Midwives, health care assistants, Social workers, Occupational Therapist, Youth Workers, care assistants, care managers, support workers. They will learn how the standing in these different areas are set and monitored and reflect on the role of the professional in this sector supporting people with health and social care needs Pupils will learn about different policies and procedures used in the working environment to include DBE, H&S, medication, safeguarding. Students will develop knowledge on support procedure for healing and recovering from illness/ accidents.
Learning Aim B Pupils will learn about the roles and organisations providing health care services The public sector, primary, secondary and Tertiary care. The NHS foundation trust. Adult and children’s social care services Pupils will develop their knowledge on the range of setting that provide Health care services Hospitable, day care, hospices, residential and domiciliary care. Pupils will gain a range of knowledge about the issues that affect the services such as referral and barriers to care, they will learn about the roles of organisation that regulate and inspect the health care services such as the CQC, NICE, PHE and Ofsted.
Learning Aim C Working with people with specific needs on the health and social care sector. Pupils will develop knowledge on people with specific needs, physical and mental health. Learning disabilities, physical and sensory disabilities, this will be applied to a range of age groups and case studies. Pupils will investigate working practices and how regulations affect people working in these areas. Looking at how poor working practices and been identified and addressed
Learning Aim, A Pupils will explore different types of physiological disorders and how they are diagnosed by doctors, thee type of treatment and support they may receive
Pupils will research and explain the causes, signs and symptoms of physiological disorders, they will also analyse the changes in the body system resulting from different types of physiological disorders. Pupils will evaluate the impact of the physiological disorders on the health and wellbeing of the service user (PIES) Learning Aim B/C Pupils will compare the investigation a diagnostic of physiological disorders, pupils will assess the importance of specific procedures in confirming the diagnoses of physiological disorders.
Pupils will explain the treatments and support available for service users with different physiological disorders.
Pupils will assess the treatment, support and types of care for service users with different types of physiological disorders pupils will justify the benefits of different investigations and treatment options for service users diagnosed with physiological disorders
Learning Aim D Pupils will assess the care needs of a selected service user with physiological disorders Pupils will plan a treatment to meet the needs of a selected service user with a physiological disorder reviewing where appropriate, to improve outcomes Pupils will explain how the plan would improve the health and wellbeing of a selected service user Pupils will justify the recommendation of the plan in relation to the needs of service users and state advantages and disadvantages of the treatment options |