The Governing Body
Governing bodies are the key strategic decision-making body of every school. It is their role to set the school’s overall aims and objectives and to ensure all statutory duties are met. They have responsibility for raising school standards through their three core functions:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
• Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Reconstitution of the Governing Body - St Julie’s Catholic High School
In accordance with the 2012 constitution regulations the Governing Body the Governing Body for St Julie’s Catholic High School reconstituted with effect from 10 June 2015. The membership of the new Governing Body comprises the following categories of Governor:
• Seven Foundation Governors
• Headteacher
• One Staff Governor
• Two Parent Governors
• One Local Authority Governor
Foundation Governors
Foundation Governors are those appointed by the Trustees of the Sisters of Notre Dame. They have a specific role in preserving and developing the ethos of the school, including any religious character. They must also ensure the school is conducted in accordance with the foundation’s governing documents.
The Headteacher is a Governor by virtue of office.
Staff Governor
The Staff Governor is employed by the school and is elected by the staff.
Parent Governors
Parent governors are elected by other parents at the school. Any parent, or carer, of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand for election as a parent governor. Parent governors may continue to hold office until the end of their term of office even if their child leaves the school.
Local Authority Governor
Local authority governors are nominated by the local authority but appointed by the governing body.
The key Committees of the Governing Body cover the following areas
Link Governors
St Julie’s Governing Body has a Link Governor system where Governors have volunteered to be assigned to a specific curriculum area of the school. This enables effective lines of communication to be established and maintained between the curriculum and the governing body.
Chair of Governors: Mrs Brigid Smith
Foundation Governors appointed by the Sisters of Notre Dame Trustees:
Mrs Brigid Smith (Appointed 1.11.2018 – 01.09.2027)
Mrs Lisa Riccio-Jones (Appointed 1.11.2018 – 30.04.2027)
Mrs, Jayne Cross (Appointed 1. 6. 2019 – 31. 5. 2027)
Mrs Nicola Looker (Appointed 1.11 2019 - 31.10.27)
Mrs Bridget Wood (Appointed 1.9.21 - 31.8.25)
Dr Lisa Davidson (Appointed 1.2.23 - 31.1.27)
Mrs Angela Clague (Appointed 01.11.23 - 31.10.27)
Parent Governors
Mrs Michelle Hardy (Appointed 09.11.21 - 08.11.25)
Mrs Paula Keegan (Appinted 22.4.24 - 21.4.28)
Staff Governor
Mr P Brooks (Appointed 1/4/19 to 12/6/27)
LA Governor
Miss Pauline Musembi (Appointed 7.12.23 - 6.12.27)
Mrs K McCourt
Clerk to the Governing Body
2024 - 2025
Finance, Premises and Health and Safety
Mr P Brooks
Mrs Brigid Smith (Chair)
Mrs L Riccio Jones
Mrs M Hardy
Mrs K McCourt
Quality of Education
Mrs J Cross (Chair)
Mrs A Clague
Mr P Brooks
Mrs L Riccio-Jones
Mrs B Smith
Mrs N Looker
Mrs K McCourt
Mrs P Keegan
Mr P Brooks (Chair)
Dr L Davidson
Mrs N Looker
Mrs B Wood
Mrs K McCourt
Link Governors
Safeguarding and Attendance: Mrs L Riccio-Jones
SEN: Mrs Brigid Smith
Pupil Premium Mrs B Smith
Wellbeing: Mrs B Wood
LGBTQ: Mrs B Wood
Curriculum: Mrs N Looker
Curriculum: Mrs B Wood
Careers: Mrs B Wood
Catholic Life: Mrs B Smith
Register of Pecuniary and/or Personal Interests:
Governors hold an important public office and their identity should be known to their school and wider communities. . The Governing Body’s Code of Conduct includes the requirement to publish the Register of Interests on the school website.
Mrs Brigid Smith
Mrs Angela Clague
Mrs Bridget Wood
Mrs Jayne Cross
Dr Lisa Davidson
Mrs Michelle Hardy
Mrs Lisa-Riccio-Jones
Mrs Nicola Looker
Mr Peter Brooks
Salary Threshold Declaration
St. Julie's Catholic High School employs one member of staff at a salary above £100k.
Governing Body - Code of Conduct
As individuals, the Governing Body has agreed to the following:
The Code of Conduct was formally adopted by the Governing Body on 3rd July 2024. Review Date: July 2025.