Design Technology: Graphic Products

KS4 Intent:


Graphics Intent:


Graphic design is a form of visual communication. It is the process by which visual information is given form and structure to communicate a message. Being a graphic designer is the profession of visual communication that combines images, words and ideas to convey information to an audience. It involves designing print or electronic forms of visual information for advertisement, publication or a website. At St Julie’s, graphic design should not be confused with art and design. It is distinct from this subject and should be treated as so. The Level 2 Technical Award in Graphic Design complements GCSE qualifications. It is aimed at students studying Key Stage 4 curriculum who are interested in any aspect of graphic design, including sourcing ideas and design. The qualification that we offer focuses on an applied study of the graphic design sector and you will gain a broad understanding and knowledge of working in the sector. This qualification has been designed to sit alongside the requirements of core GCSE subjects and is appropriate for students at St Julie’s who are motivated and challenged by learning through hands-on experiences and through content which is concrete and related directly to those experiences.






Knowledge, skills and understanding

Y11 Graphics











Unit 03 – Responding to a brief continuation


Unit 04 – Graphic design portfolio






Unit 05 window 2 (if needed) External assessment


Unit 04 – Graphic design portfolio continuation


Unit 03: Completion of Unit 3.


Unit 04: Learners will explore working in the graphic design industry, by looking at different ways to present work to understand different types of portfolio. They will then design and create their own portfolio and review how the portfolio presents their skills as a graphic designer.


Unit 05 window 2: As above. Students will only be required to access this second window if they have been unsuccessful in window 1.