A Warm Welcome For All

Whether you’re a main school student at St. Julie’s or somebody with no experience of our community, you’ll find St. Julie’s Sixth Form a new and refreshing experience. We offer a relaxed and welcoming environment in which everybody can thrive and succeed.

We asked Sophie and James about their experience of joining St. Julie’s Sixth Form.

Q. Why did you choose St. Julie’s Sixth Form?

J: It was something different for me as I’d moved from Torquay and it’s been one of the best reviewed schools that I’ve seen.

S: I came from a mixed school and wanted to try something different, and the curriculum offered Politics which I was very keen to study.

Q: What would you say is the best thing about St. Julie’s Sixth Form?

S: The people. The teachers are lovely, the people are lovely.

J: I agree. I’ve never been made more welcome in a school before.

Q. Would you encourage other external applicants to apply? Why?

S: I would. I think that when you go to University you need to go through the experience of meeting new people and this has given me a taste of what that feels like.

J: I would too. I’ve fitted in so much better than I thought I would.

Q: Would you say that the staff and students at St. Julie’s make it easy to fit in and feel accepted?

J: One hundred percent. They’re always looking out for me and they’re always asking questions.

S: I agree. There was an initial “Are you ok? Are you settling in? Are you keeping on top of things?” That really helped. Now I feel part of the school.

Q: Which of your subjects do you enjoy most and why?

S: Politics, as it’s something I’ve never done before and something new, which is great.

J: I personally really enjoy ICT as it’s a new experience for me and the teacher is the best I could wish for.

Q: How easy was it for you to make new friends when you arrived?

J: As soon as I came in everyone was really welcoming, asking me for my name and questions about myself.

S: It was just the same for me!